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(v13) Contents of the Harlequin Extensions Manual

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The first section is useful to all readers.

(v13) Harlequin Extensions Manual: Introduction provides an introduction to the Harlequin RIP and its relationship to the PostScript language.

(v13) Comment parsing describes how the Harlequin RIP can process comments in PostScript-language jobs.

(v13) OPI and DCS describes support for OPI and DCS in the Harlequin RIP.

(v13) Imposition describes how to implement some simple imposition schemes, largely in terms of monochrome or pre-separated jobs.

(v13) Color separation describes options for in-RIP separation of composite color jobs, and discusses overprinting, knockouts, and crop and register marks.

(v13) Imposition features revisits the topic of imposition using the HqnImpose2 procset.

(v13) Simple imposition describes simple in-RIP imposition.

(v13) Continuous tone and color printers describes the raster formats that the Harlequin RIP can provide.

(v13) Files, filters, and devices introduces the PostScript-language concepts and describes how PostScript-language filenames correspond to names on the operating system of a host computer.

(v13) Configuring the page device describes various enhancements to the Postscript language setpagedevice operator.

(v13) Halftone screens and calibration describes how the Harlequin RIP chooses a halftone screen, how it implements calibration, and ways in which these functions can interact.

(v13) Shadowop and operator redefinition describes some robust methods of redefining operators.

(v13) The RIP in action describes the start-up sequence for the different configurations of the Harlequin RIP and describes how OEMs can place configuration code in files specific to particular platforms and configurations of the RIP. It also describes methods of escaping the server loop to make semi-permanent changes to the interpreter environment and of quitting the Harlequin RIP from a program.

(v13) Output Controller and queue management describes the use of procedures that manipulate the pagebuffer files in the throughput system and how to redirect page buffers for other processing.

(v13) PDF support in Harlequin describes the native support for jobs submitted in the Portable Document Format.

(v13) In-flight checking with hooks and callbacks describes how to write code to handle various events or job content that may occur at unpredictable times.

(v13) Color spaces and color management describes some extensions to color spaces and relevant operators.

(v13) Font handling describes how the Harlequin RIP normally uses fonts embedded in a job if they are present, and uses a font by the same name that has been installed into the RIP’s SW/fonts or SW/CIDFont directories if no font is embedded in the job.

(v13) Tiling operators describes how (from Harlequin Core v13) the RIP can be configured to split pages into tiles and to render each of those tiles separately.

(v13) Parameter reference summary lists many system and user parameters, and page device keys.

(v13) Operators and procedures lists some operators and procedures that would be undocumented otherwise.

Procsets in the Harlequin RIP lists procsets, describing some simpler procsets and providing cross-references to procsets documented elsewhere.

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